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Returned goods in a sentence

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Sentence count:19Posted:2021-09-14Updated:2021-09-14
Similar words: canned goodstinned goodsreturnedmanufactured goodsbaked goodsbonded goodsbranded goodsdamaged goods
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1 He that returns good for evil obtains the victory. 
2 Exchanging goods Anyone working in the retail trade will often have to deal with customers who want to exchange or return goods.
3 We can not be held responsible for returned goods lost in transit.
4 Responsible for returned goods quality checking.
5 Incoming Materials and returned goods must be placed under Quarantine Status.
6 During returned goods delivery, when is the credit memo created (immediately, after check...) and who by?
7 Returned goods that may be deemed Pharmaceutical Waste are addressed within EHS Standards and not within the text of this Standard.
8 In order to help the visitor the returned goods to toss about several still held the improper instance, many travel agencies have met.
9 Costs and risks in relation to the returned goods are the responsibility of the Buyer.
10 The returned goods have no tags or other accessories or the returned goods do not have external packing, which cause severe damages to the original package of goods.
11 Main page includes: The system home page, the user information, the disposition quoted price, buys into the information, the fitting returned goods, inquires the fitting, prints the fitting.
12 In recent years, incidents of microbial contamination in dried meat have occurred, returned goods because of metamorphic in dried meat caused huge economic losses of the food processing enterprises.
13 The thesis in chapter 4 brings forward the idea of making use of the method of Activity-Based Costing to calculate the cost of processing returned goods.
14 Chain-like supermarket cost including procurement cost, transportation cost, labor cost, internal expense cost,[] returned goods and loss cost and so on.
15 In accordance with the relevant legal provisions, in the case of advertisements issued by persons such compensable or returned goods.
16 In many cases, film costs have been reduced by 50% and there has also been a noticeable reduction in product damage in transit and returned goods.
17 In the current buyer's market environment, enterprises are facing increasingly serious returned goods. "
18 I want u fun gifts" Customer Service Center did not receive your returned goods should be returned ."
19 As result of thee-commerce own transaction's limitation, the enterprise has avoidless questions of returned goods.
More similar words: canned goodstinned goodsreturnedmanufactured goodsbaked goodsbonded goodsbranded goodsdamaged goodsfinished goodsimported goodspackaged goodssmuggled goodsprocessed goodsreturn journeybe turnedreturneereturnerhard goodscontraband goodsreturnturnedin returnreturn tounturnedupturnedturned-onturned outturned onday returnreturn key
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